“As If Ye Were Supported by the Hand of a God”

Brant Gardner

In the great tradition of diplomacy, Giddianhi begins by flattering Lachoneous. The previous knowledge of the two opponents of each other is indicated in this first paragraph. Whether the two ever knew each other personally, Giddianhi certainly knows about Nephite beliefs. He knows that it is the standard assumption of the Nephites that they “were supported by the hand of a god, in the defence of … liberty, and … property,  and… country.” There have been many dissenters from the Nephites go over to the Gadiantons, and it is not inconceivable that some of these Gadiantons were among those who were recently in power in Zarahemla. Therefore, they understand the mindset of the Nephites. Giddianhi acknowledges that mindset right at the beginning.

Multidimensional Commentary on the Book of Mormon
