In what ways is this prophecy of the children of Lehi returning to the Lord being fulfilled?

Thomas R. Valletta

Some years ago, Elder Gene R. Cook said: “My family and I are presently living in South America among the Lamanites—the children of Lehi, the people of the Book of Mormon, a people of great promise. For a number of years we have been witnesses to spiritual miracles among that people:

“1. We have seen thousands converted to the Lord who had his law put into their minds and written in their hearts (see Heb. 8:10).

“2. We have seen them organized into numerous stakes of Zion.

“3. We have truly seen them ‘blossom as the rose’ as prophecy has been fulfilled through them (see D&C 49:24).

“4. We have literally seen the Lord perform miracles among them by their faith” (“Miracles among the Lamanites,” 67).

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
