Helaman 13:2-4

Brant Gardner

We are introduced to Samuel, the Lamanite. He is always emphasized as a Lamanite. Although not every appearance of his name has “the Lamanite” following it, the adjective is missing only when there is a second use of the name close to the previous use which did call him Samuel, the Lamanite. This tells us that we should pay attention to the fact that he was both Lamanite and a prophet. That is Mormon suggesting to his readers that it is wholly in the Lamanite abilities to become so righteous that they could send a prophet to the Nephites, something contrary to what the Nephite-centric texts would suggest.

As Samuel approaches the people, he is cast out. The Lord tells him to return. This appears to be a type-scene in the Book of Mormon. We have Abinadi called to preach, who attempts it and is rejected, only to be called again. The same occurs with Alma the Younger in Ammonihah. He attempts to preach, leaves, and is called back. Type-scenes occur in the Bible, and folklorists understand that certain forms develop that influence the way stories are told. It is possible that we are seeing a subliminal preference for how stories of prophets should be told.

Book of Mormon Minute
