Mormon’s Commentary and Testimony

John W. Welch

Mormon’s commentary on the preceding events and behaviors in the book of Helaman comprises the whole of chapter 12. Verse 1 begins, “And thus we can behold … ,” which is an indicator, along with “And thus we see …” or “we see,” of Mormon’s upcoming commentary (see also verses 2–3).

Verse 1 acts as a kind of abstract by summarizing the main points of this chapter:

The rest of the chapter expands on these main points, describing the depths of man’s folly and the height of the Lord’s kindness, patience, and desire to bless these children of men.

This whole chapter is Mormon’s testimony of the love and power of God, and his desire to bless us. It highlights man’s foolishness in not paying attention and forgetting his obligations to such a loving Divine creator, trampling “under their feet the Holy One—yea, and this because of their ease, and their exceedingly great prosperity” (verse 2). Just in case we did not get the message from the account, he warns us in verse 3:

And thus, we see that except the Lord doth chasten his people with many afflictions, yea, except he doth visit them with death and with terror, and with famine and with all manner of pestilence, they will not remember him.

John W. Welch Notes
