“Secret Band of Robbers”

Brant Gardner

Redaction: Mormon assumes that his readers will understand that even the surge of converts resulting from Nephi’s preaching did not tip the numerical balance. The Gadiantons are still a majority in the land of Zarahemla, still retain the “voice of the people,” and still are working to transform Nephite society into something more closely resembling the larger culture. In other words, violence was not directed only against chief judges but against believing Nephites in general.

This civil war pits church-men and Gadiantons against each other. It has erupted out of long-standing differences. Now that those who favor Gadianton-style culture are in the majority, believers become victims.

It is important to Mormon that we see the Gadiantons as causing this war. Regardless of the movement’s origin or historical name, Mormon terms every manifestation of this philosophy “Gadianton.” Even though this particular reign of Gadiantons has no discernible connection to the small band of Gadiantons from Helaman2’s day a generation earlier, Mormon insists on it. For him, the enemy is no longer “Lamanite” but “Gadianton.” This source of greatest danger to the Nephites is no longer in some distant city but in the Nephite heartland.

Second Witness: Analytical & Contextual Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 5
