Nephi is a paragon of dedication, obedience, and commitment to do the Lord’s will. We see that diligent disciples receive choice blessings from the Almighty. Nephi, the son of Helaman, sets an example of service. He, along with his brother Lehi, preach to both Nephites and Lamanites, and boldly admonish them to repent (see Helaman 5:14–18). They have great success, and eight thousand Lamanites are baptized. They are cast into prison, encircled with fire, protected by the Lord, and convince many more thousands of the truth (see Helaman 5:21–52). Nephi prophesies of the death of the chief judge Seezoram, and asserts that his brother Seantum is indeed the murderer (see Helaman 8:27–9:38). Nephi, ever faithful, ponders on the things of the Lord and sorrows for the sins of the Nephites. The Lord promises Nephi great blessings: He will be mighty in word and deed, faith and good works, and will have power to do according to his word. Why? Because his will is always and forever congruent with the will of the Lord. The Lord soon proclaims that whatsoever he seals on earth will be sealed in heaven and that he will have great power among the people—all this so that he can help the people repent. That is the purpose of faithful disciples (see 3 Nephi 5:13).
As we diligently seek to do the Lord’s will and keep His commandments, we will be empowered to do all things that He would have us do. Our will becomes His will. We can have the blessings of heaven in our lives when we submit our will to the will of God and work with faith, diligence, and patience to bring forth the work of the Lord and build up the kingdom of God (see JST Matthew 6:38).