Helaman 10:1-3

Brant Gardner

In the original 1830 edition, there was no chapter break at this point. Indeed, verses 1 and 2 are the conclusion to the events of Nephi’s trial that occupied the ending of Helaman 9. The end of verse 2 and verse 3 are the transition into the next story that Mormon wants to tell.

At this point, the emotionally powerful and potentially deadly events of the trial are over, and Nephi “went his way towards his own house.” He is then thinking about the previous events. In particular, he thinks about the “secret works of darkness, and … murderings, etc.” Those are phrases that Mormon uses to designate the Gadianton Robbers, even when he doesn’t use the name. Thus, Nephi is pondering on those judges who had accused him, and the fact that the Gadiantons have so completely taken over the Nephite government, and much of the religious life.

Book of Mormon Minute
