What did Nephi identify as the main source of corruption among the Nephites?

Thomas R. Valletta

“Nephi fiercely denounced the evil that existed among them, and warned of impending disaster if they persisted in following iniquity’s enticements and its empty promise of reward. His plainness and frankness enraged the corrupt judges who had been placed in office by equally corrupt men … .

“Nephi … testified of the corruption [by] which their laws had ceremonially been made unclean, and that how through popular voice, the power to alter them from the Code of King Mosiah had been delegated to hearts, diseased and depraved, who had changed them to suit their own infatuation and greed” (Reynolds and Sjodahl, Commentary on the Book of Mormon, 5:264–65).

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
