How is Jesus Christ the “rock” upon which we should build?

Thomas R. Valletta

“Not upon any man, nor his words or claims, must we build the foundation of our Salvation. Christ, and Him alone, is the Rock upon which we build. It is not upon Revelation as some have supposed; it is not upon the Plan of Salvation, or the Everlasting Gospel, but on Him Who is revealed therein. On Christ, the Son of God, our hopes of Life Everlasting are centered, and upon Him power ‘unto the Salvation of our souls’ is given that through repentance we shall have peace and rest in God’s Celestial Home.

“Upon Christ, and we repeat, Him alone, our foundation is sure” (Reynolds and Sjodahl, Commentary on the Book of Mormon, 5:237).

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
