What were the “prophecies of Alma” and the “laws of Mosiah”?

Thomas R. Valletta

“The fulfillment of the prophecies of Alma are not specified. Mormon may have been referring to what is now Alma chapter 5. Such things as pride, persecution of their brethren, and neglecting the poor are referred to in Alma’s great sermon to the people of Zarahemla (see Alma 5:53–56). The laws of Mosiah has reference to the new form of government revealed as a part of the reign of the judges (see Mosiah 29). Regardless of the generality used by Mormon in referring to both Alma and Mosiah, Alma’s laws were the spiritual guidelines for the church and its members, and the laws of Mosiah were the political or governing laws revealed for a nation” (Nyman, Record of Helaman, 291).

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
