“A righteous Nephite general who accepted command of the Nephite armies when his father Moroni retired (Alma 62:43; ca. 60 B.C.). Peace ensued for a number of years (ca. 60–53 B.C.), but dissension and conflicts with Lamanites, usually incited by Nephite dissenters, plagued Nephite society for the next two decades. … Moronihah led the Nephite armies in several battles to regain Nephite territory from the Lamanites. … Moronihah, who clearly saw the connection between obedience to God and prosperity—in war and peace alike, preached repentance to them, as did Helaman’s sons Lehi and Nephi. When the Nephites repented, Moronihah was heartened and returned to war … , but the most Moronihah could do was retake and maintain half of their former lands and holdings” (Largey, Book of Mormon Reference Companion, 565–66).