There were three areas for measurement of prosperity listed by Mormon, as he abridged the record. The first was the family, they “began to multiply” (v. 48). The second was “to wax exceedingly strong” (v. 48). The meaning of wax as used herein is to increase or grow, thus indicating the Nephites were building their cities and communication. To be strong implies unity. Therefore they were united politically and socially. The third measurement of prosperity was becoming “rich.” To become rich (v. 48), is to prosper in material goods. They also resisted the Nephite tendency to let their material goods lead them to pride (v. 49; see also Jacob 2:13; Alma 4:6). Their spiritual lives also were in a growth mode. They recognized the hands of the Lord in their prosperity as the Lord desired them to do (vv. 49–50; cp. D&C 59:21). Their prayers to God were apparently prayers of thanks, as well as asking for his direction (Alma 62:51).
Helaman’s (son of Alma) reign ended in peace and happiness after many years of suffering and affliction. Great was his contribution to the progress of the Nephites at this time and throughout his life.