Alma 62:42-44

Brant Gardner

Mormon begins to wrap up this chapter by quickly noting the major events of the aftermath of the wars. Healing began. Moroni still fortified cities, but then he retired.

Helaman “returned to the place of his inheritance,” which also meant that he returned to his task of being the record keeper, and the religious leader.

Pahoran is reestablished as the Chief Judge over the land.

As with other conflicts, one of the means of preserving peace was to increase the righteousness of the people, thus, to merit the promise of the land. This is what was meant by “it had become expedient that a regulation should be made again in the church.” The ideas of the king-men were both political and religious, and it was the religious aspect of those ideas that meant that there was much to do to renew the Nephite understanding of God’s doctrine.

Book of Mormon Minute
