Who was Ammoron?

Thomas R. Valletta

Ammoron was a descendant of Zoram and a Nephite traitor who became king of the Lamanites (about 66–64 B.C.). After Teancum killed Amalickiah, Ammoron was appointed king (see Alma 52:3). Ammoron continued the campaign started by his brother to destroy all Nephites who would not be subjected to a life of servitude. During the war, Ammoron exchanged heated and threatening letters with Captain Moroni over the exchange of prisoners (see Alma 54; 55). In these letters, Ammoron’s impure and revengeful motives are exposed. He threatens to subject “the Nephites to our authority or to their eternal extinction” (Alma 54:20). During the war, Ammoron is also slain by Teancum (Alma 62:36). Later we learn that Ammoron’s son, Tubaloth becomes king of the Lamanites (see Helaman 1:16).

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