“Those Who Were in Favor of Kings Were Those of High Birth”

Brant Gardner

Political/Social: Mormon gives us yet more information about those who were the kingmen, information we could easily deduce from their support of the kingship, but which nevertheless confirms the suppositions that we are making. These are those “of high birth.” They are those who already have some standing in the community. They likely belong to older clans, or to the ruling positions in other cities. We should remember the class of people who supported Amalickiah in his bid to become a king not six years earlier. Amalickiah’s supporters consisted of “the greater part of them the lower judges of the land” (Alma 46:4). Amalickiah gained his support from those who already had some power and position, but wanted more. The kingmen are the same king of people, those who already have recognized position, but want more. They want the hierarchical structures associated with kingship that will lend more associative value to their wealth.

Multidimensional Commentary on the Book of Mormon
