Questions for Alma 51:1

John W. Welch

In this chapter we have the following episodes:

· The king-men try to alter a few particular points of the law but are politically defeated and silenced (51:1–8).

· Amalickiah now attacks in person (51:9–12).

· The king-men refuse to take up arms (which was a capital offense) and are killed or imprisoned under martial law without normal legal trials (51:13–21).

· Amalickiah marches through the east and north lands, winning easily (51:22–28).

· Teancum kills Amalickiah at night, in his tent, on New Year’s Eve (51:29–37).

Discussion questions to think about:

1. What justified Moroni’s severe treatment of the king-men and Teancum’s killing of Amalickiah? How far must we go in ensuring due process before we take extreme measures?

2. Mormon says, “there never was a happier time among the people of Nephi, since the days of Nephi, than in the days of Moroni.” What circumstances have brought about the happiest times in your life?

John W. Welch Notes
