Alma 50:6 Textual Variants

Royal Skousen
thus Moroni did prepare [strong holds 01ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOQ|strongholds PRST] against the coming of their enemies round about every city in all the land

Later editions of the Book of Mormon (in some instances as early as the 1849 LDS edition) have replaced the two-word spelling strong hold with the single-word stronghold so that the modern editions systematically have stronghold wherever possible. However, usage within the text itself strongly argues that the two-word spelling is the correct spelling and should be restored in all cases. In most contexts, it seems to make little difference, but in several we can clearly see that the word strong is an adjective modifying the independent noun hold rather than forming the compound noun stronghold:

For the two cases of “an exceeding strong hold”, strong hold is now spelled stronghold in the standard LDS and RLDS texts, as with 15 other instances of strong hold(s). Yet it seems strange to have the adjective exceeding modifying the compound stronghold when it really is modifying only the adjective part, strong. By separating the adjectival strong from the noun hold, we correctly represent the fact that exceeding modifies strong alone in those two instances. Interestingly, since the editors for the 1981 LDS edition otherwise made sure that every adverbial exceeding modifying an adjective read as exceedingly, these two occurrences of “an exceeding strong hold” should be edited in the standard LDS text to “an exceedingly strong hold”. The critical text will, of course, retain the original uses of adverbial exceeding, thus “an exceeding strong hold” in Alma 53:5 and Alma 55:33. For discussion of this issue regarding exceeding(ly), see under 1 Nephi 2:16 as well as more generally under exceeding in volume 3.

The King James Bible consistently uses the two-word spelling, strong hold, 8 times in the singular and 19 times in the plural. In particular, one of its passages is quoted in the Book of Mormon (although edited to strongholds in the current LDS and RLDS editions):

Also note the occurrence in the King James text of “the most strong holds” (equivalent to “the strongest holds”):

Summary: Restore every occurrence in the Book of Mormon text of original strong hold; although most cases are ambiguous between strong hold and stronghold, there are five cases where the text clearly requires the two-word form.

Analysis of Textual Variants of the Book of Mormon, Part. 4
