Questions for Alma 50

John W. Welch

In this chapter we have the following episodes:

· Moroni does not rest in making more preparations for war (50:1–6)

· Moroni drives out all Lamanites (soldiers and civilians) in the surrounding lands and increases his army (50:7–12)

· The Nephites have a building and economic boom, and enjoy a time of peace and great happiness (50:13–24)

· Morianton tries to take the people of his city into the land northward; but he mistreated a servant girl who told Moroni, and their flight was stopped (50:25–36)

· Pahoran succeeds his father as chief judge in Zarahemla and takes an impressive oath of office (50:37–40)

Discussion questions to think about:

1. After great successes, Moroni did not stop preparing for further attacks. How can we prevent our temporary successes from lulling us into a sense of false security?

2. Do officials in our country today take oaths of office? Why or why not?

John W. Welch Notes
