Have archaeologists found anything similar to the kinds of fortifications Book of Mormon people used?

Thomas R. Valletta

Proponents of various theories concerning the location of Book of Mormon lands suggest, some strongly, that Mesoamerica might be a logical fit. The Book of Mormon describes fortifications such as walled cites, ditches, and pickets. “Recent archaeological studies have demonstrated that fortifications were widespread in Mesoamerica from at least the first millennium B.C. Pre-Columbian fortifications identified by archaeologists include walls of earth, mud brick, or stone; wooden palisades; spike and thorn barriers; moats and trenches; fortified bridges and gates; special fortifications for missile troops (archers, slingers, and javelin men); and towers and other elevated structures, broadly paralleling the types of fortifications described in the Book of Mormon” (Largey, Book of Mormon Reference Companion, 275).

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