How frequently do the scriptures describe the blessings of keeping God’s commandments?

Thomas R. Valletta

“The divine teaching—stated in the scriptures not once, but thirty-four times—[is] that people will prosper in the land only if they obey the commandments of God [see Lev. 26:3–15; Josh. 1:7–8; 1 Kgs. 2:3; 2 Kgs. 18:7; 2 Chr. 24:20; 26:5; 31:21; Ezra 6:14; Job 36:11; 1 Ne. 2:20; 4:14; 2 Ne. 1:9, 20, 31; 4:4; 5:10–11; Jarom 1:9; Omni 1:6; Mosiah 1:7; 2:22, 31; Alma 9:13; 36:1, 30; 37:13; 38:1; 45:6–8; 48:15, 25; 50:20; Hel. 3:20; 3 Ne. 5:22; D&C 9:13]” (Nelson, “Reverence for Life,” 13).

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
