Make a Stand for Christian Principles

Church Educational System

Sometimes true followers of Christ must stand as Moroni’s people stood in defense of “their liberty, their lands, their wives, and their children, and their peace” (Alma 48:10). Moroni was intent on helping his people “maintain that which was called by their enemies the cause of Christians” (Alma 48:10).

With the tide of wickedness in the world today, President Gordon B. Hinckley has advocated that “there are times when we must stand up for right and decency, for freedom and civilization, just as Moroni rallied his people in his day to the defense of their wives, their children, and the cause of liberty (see Alma 48:10)” (in Conference Report, Oct. 2001, 88; or Ensign, Nov. 2001, 72).

Book of Mormon Student Manual (2009 Edition)
