Alma 46:12 Textual Variants

Royal Skousen
and it came to pass that he rent his coat and he took a piece thereof and wrote upon it … and he fastened it upon the end of a pole [thereoff 0|thereof 1ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQS| RT]

The word thereof occurred 160 times in the original text of the Book of Mormon. The word is also very prominent in the King James Bible, occurring there 908 times. The purpose of thereof after a noun is to refer to some antecedent noun. There are examples in the Book of Mormon text where thereof means ‘of it’, ‘of them’, and even ‘of him’:

Here at the beginning of Alma 46:12, the thereof after piece refers to the preceding “his coat”—in other words, the reading is equivalent to “he took a piece of it” or, more specifically, “he took a piece of his coat”. The problem later on in verse 12 is that the original thereof postmodifies a pole in the phrase “upon the end of a pole”, but there is no preceding noun referent for thereof. It’s as if the text were referring to “a pole of something”. The thereof would have worked here if the text had read something like “he took a pole and he fastened the rent piece of his coat to the end thereof”, where thereof would mean ‘of the pole’. In fact, this basic usage is found in the very next verse: “and he took the pole which had on the end thereof his rent coat” (Alma 46:13). But here in verse 12, “of a pole” immediately precedes the thereof, making the thereof seemingly unnecessary, so it was removed in the editing for the 1920 LDS edition.

One possible source for the extra thereof in Alma 46:12 is the thereof in the preceding sentence “and he took a piece thereof and wrote upon it”. Oliver Cowdery—or perhaps Joseph Smith in his dictation—may have gotten used to the thereof, with the result that one of them accidentally added it after pole. Yet there is considerable evidence elsewhere in the text for seemingly vacuous or redundant uses of thereof. Here are five other unattached instances of thereof that were deleted in the editing for the 1920 LDS edition:

In the first example, the thereof is redundant since the relative clause already has a possessive, namely, the relative pronoun whose (“whose heighth thereof is great”). In the four other cases, there is no obvious antecedent for the thereof (although in the last case “the cities thereof ” could mean ‘the cities of those men women and children’). In the case of Ether 6:2, there is a preceding thereof that could have prompted the following thereof (just like potentially here in Alma 46:12).

There are two other instances in the text of thereof for which there is no explicit antecedent. In one case, the text itself corrects the reading by means of a yea-clause:

In this example, there is no distinguishing antecedent for the first thereof. In fact, it is a mistake that Mormon himself introduced into the text. He wanted to refer to the slaughter of the battle, but he first referred to “the battle thereof ” (that is, “the battle of the battle”), thus the need for his correcting yea-clause (“yea great and terrible was the slaughter thereof”). Thus the original text itself can have misuses of thereof, even if corrected. The critical text will therefore restore all the original instances of thereof, despite their redundancy or their lack of a distinct referent.

In the other case of thereof without an explicit antecedent, there is an actual referent (unlike the first thereof in 3 Nephi 4:11):

In other words, “that was the end of it”, the end of existence.

The 1920 LDS edition also eliminated four other instances of thereof, in Ether 2:20. In that one verse, the original thereof ’s have the antecedent barge or barges (which is referred to somewhat earlier in the passage, in verse 18). The multiple, seemingly excessive, use of thereof in Ether 2:20 may have led to the removal of these four thereof ’s. In other words, the issue in Ether 2:20 may have been stylistic rather than grammatical. See under that passage for discussion. For another example where thereof was removed, this time by Joseph Smith in his editing for the 1837 edition, see under Jacob 5:48.

Summary: Restore all six original instances of vacuous or redundant thereof that were removed from the text in the editing for the 1920 LDS edition (Alma 46:12, Helaman 14:23, 3 Nephi 8:10, Ether 6:2, Ether 14:2, and Ether 14:17); this kind of usage appears to have been fully intended.

Analysis of Textual Variants of the Book of Mormon, Part. 4
