Who were these people who refused to follow Helaman’s teachings and sought to kill him?

Thomas R. Valletta

These dissenters consisted of “those who refused all instruction, ‘because of their exceedingly great riches’ (Alma 45:24), [and] ‘gathered together’ as a hate-group—‘exceeding wroth’—to plan the extremist measures against those who stood in their way. … Then there were passionate monarchists, who not only were ‘in favor of kings’ but, being of ‘high birth, … sought to be kings’ (Alma 51:8)—everyone in line for the throne. After them were those who may not have claimed royal blood but nevertheless ‘professed the blood of nobility’—whether they could prove it or not (Alma 51:21)” (Nibley, Prophetic Book of Mormon, 333).

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
