“Alma Came Unto His Son Helaman and Said . . .”

Bryan Richards

Carlos E. Asay

"Several years ago, I approached one of my daughters and said, ’My dear, it’s time for an interview.’ Her response was less than enthusiastic, and I determined within my own mind that I was boring her terribly. So instead of subjecting her to a formal conversation, I invited her into the car and drove to the Dairy Queen where we both enjoyed a root beer float. All the way to and from the store, I asked questions, and she freely responded. She didn’t even realize that she was being interviewed—or at least that is what I thought. A few weeks later, I announced once again that I wanted to interview her. This time she promptly asked, ’Wet or dry?’
"I wonder if our conduct of good practices—even the conducting of interviews with our children—is sometimes done in a dry and deadening manner…Alma‘s interview with Helaman is a classic ’wet’ and refreshing performance. It is a short, three-question, forty-five-second exchange between father and son. According to the record, Alma was approaching the end of his ministry. He knew that he must select someone to assume prophetic and record-keeping responsibilities. Helaman was his choice.
"Therefore, Alma came to his son and asked: ’Believest thou the words which I spake unto thee concerning those records which have been kept?’ Without hesitation, Helaman answered: ’Yea, I believe.’ He might have said, ’Yes, I believe in the scriptures; and yes, I believe all that you have taught me.’
"Alma’s second question was simply: ’Believest thou in Jesus Christ, who shall come?’ Again, without delay, Helaman stated: ’Yea, I believe all the words which thou hast spoken.’ (See Alma 45:2-5.) What a tribute to the father! He had talked of Christ, rejoiced in Christ, preached of Christ, and taught his son to know the source to which he might look for a remission of his sins. (See 2 Ne. 25:26.)
"Up to this point in the interview, the father‘s questions were sampling the son’s basic beliefs. Now it was essential that those beliefs be tested and determined as being more than idle lip service. Alma’s capstone inquiry was, ’Will ye keep my commandments?’
"I am not certain what went through Helaman’s mind as he prepared to give his final response. He knew the necessity of honoring his parents and respecting priesthood authority. His previous actions had verified this fact. I like to think that Helaman’s reply was promoted by a heartfelt desire to be obedient rather than by a fear of authority. Deep love of God and father were reflected in his words: ’Yea, I will keep thy commandments with all my heart.’
"It is a marvelous thing when a father is able to make his commandments square perfectly with God’s expectations. Apparently, this condition was achieved by Alma, for Helaman was ready and willing to obey with all his heart.
"This short, informative, and inspiring interview must have pleased Alma greatly. Not only had he communicated heart-to-heart and soul-to-soul with his son, but the son had openly declared his faith and pledged his devotion. To culminate the exchange, Alma, under the inspiration of the Spirit, prophesied and extended this blessing: ’Blessed art thou; and the Lord shall prosper thee in this land.’ (See Alma 45:6-8.)
"I wonder if our interviews with our children are as inspirational and building as the one between Alma and Helaman. I find it significant that the father came to the son; the son was not summoned to stand inspection or to give a report. I find it refreshing that the conversation was direct and without any verbal sparring; it was not labored or rehearsed. I find it exemplary that commitment was drawn without prying, wringing, or pressuring. And I find it most beautiful that the father concluded with a tender blessing.
“Is this not a performance, or a pattern of communicating, that we should follow? And I refer to the principles involved, not necessarily to the form.” (Conference Report, Nov. 1983 Ensign, “Parent-Child Interviews,” p. 14)

