Questions for Alma 43

John W. Welch

For each of the following chapters, here are some study questions for you to consider as you read. I used these questions to start class discussions. I hope they will also help you to see spiritual lesson from these chapters of military history.

1. What can you do to be sure that you are preaching “the word and the truth according to the spirit of prophecy and revelation”? (43:2)

2. How can people today best “support their lands, and their houses, and their wives, and their children”? (43:9)

3. Can young people help the world in special ways to be prepared, with innovative ideas, that will help people today to win life’s battles? (43:17–20)

4. Captain Moroni was smart and faithful enough both to gather information and to consult with the prophet before he went into battle (43:23). Have you ever done something similar when you faced an important decision in your own life? How did it turn out for Moroni? How did it turn out for you?

5. What justified the Nephites’ defensive use of military force in going to battle against their enemies? (43:46–47)

John W. Welch Notes
