“Alma Did Go Forth Among the People to Declare the Word Unto Them”

George Reynolds, Janne M. Sjodahl

The Abridger of the Nephite records, Mormon, diverged from an account of the year by year happenings among the Nephite people to give us a rather complete compendium of Alma's instructions to his sons, Helaman, Shiblon, and Corianton. He now resumed his digest of the political events that molded Nephite history for a long time to come.

It was now about 73 years before the birth of Christ in far away Judea, the land of their forefathers. Alma and his sons could not rest from the active preaching of the Lord's word, and so they went throughout the whole Land of Zarahemla and wherever they found listeners they declared the Gospel of Christ to them. They were imbued with the spirit of revelation and prophecy, and imparted to one and all the message of Christ's Redemption as the spirit of their office and calling inspired.

Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 4
