“Even as I Said Unto Helaman”

Brant Gardner

Alma specifically reiterates the personalized national promise to Shiblon just as he did to Helaman. Alma also notes that he said as much to Helaman. Such a reference appears to indicate that he gave the charge to Helaman in Shiblon and Corianton’s presence. This would appear to contradict the introduction to these charges that we get in Alma 35:16 where Mormon noted that “he caused that his sons should be gathered together, that he might give unto them every one his charge, separately….”

It would appear most likely that Alma was not refreshing Shiblon’s recollection but rather making an indication that he is receiving a similar blessing. Had Shiblon been present, he would certainly have heard that promise, and a reference to it would have been unnecessary. It is precisely because Shiblon was not present that Alma makes this statement, and he makes it to indicate the favor in which he views Shiblon. Shiblon’s essential blessing is similar, though Shiblon would have understood from birth order that the task of caring for the records would, by right, belong to his brother.

Multidimensional Commentary on the Book of Mormon
