Who and what is Gazelem?

Thomas R. Valletta

“The servant Gazelem … is unidentified, but Gazelam was one of the names used in early printings of the Doctrine and Covenants as a code name for Joseph Smith. Of it, Elder [Bruce R.] McConkie wrote, ‘with reference to the name Gazelam, it is interesting to note that Alma in directing Helaman to preserve both the Urim and Thummim and the plates containing the Book of Ether, says that such record will be brought to light by the Lord’s servant Gazelem, who will use “a stone” in his translation work. … It may be that Gazelem is a variant spelling of Gazelam and that Alma’s reference is to the Prophet Joseph Smith who did … bring forth part … of the Ether record’ [Mormon Doctrine, 307–8]” (Esplin, “Millions Shall Know Brother Joseph Again,” 176).

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