How do we develop the ability to “taste” in a spiritual sense?

Thomas R. Valletta

“‘Taste,’ in the spiritual sense, involves the capacity to savor joy, sweetness, goodness, and light, for they are ‘discernible.’ Even so, we are not only to possess the capacity to discern and distinguish thusly; we are also to use our agency so that we come to prefer, and even strongly desire, the taste of gospel goodness, sweetness, and joy. … Only those who have significantly developed the tastebuds of the soul will be even partially prepared for the incredible beauties of the world ahead” (Maxwell, One More Strain of Praise, 84–85).

What does Alma know? How did he gain that knowledge? (See also verses 3, 26.) To what extent do you know what Alma knows? How did you gain your testimony?

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
