Alma 35:14-16

Brant Gardner

Verses 14–16 transition from the historical record of the events of the seventeenth year of the reign of the judges to Alma’s blessings to his sons. The conclusion of the events of the missionary journey are repeated as a summary. Then, Mormon describes Alma as grieving for the iniquity of his people, which has led to yet another war. The previous war in the fifteenth year was so devastating that both Mormon and Alma commented on how terrible it was, even though Mormon included few details (see Alma 28). Now, in the beginning of the eighteenth year, they will see yet another devastating war.

Nevertheless, the lessons of the mission to the Zoramites are not yet ended. The final lessons will be seen in the teaching of Alma to his son Corianton, but perhaps the danger of the coming war may have led Alma to give what might be considered to be final father’s blessings to his sons. Those blessings begin in the next chapter.

Book of Mormon Minute
