Amulek’s Conclusion

John W. Welch

In his final remarks, Amulek circles back around to the second and first points made by Alma at the beginning of their instruction, namely (2) bringing forth fruit unto repentance and righteousness (34:30–36); and (1) humbling yourself, worshipping God patiently in whatever place you may be (34:38), even if you are afflicted and cast out (34:39–41).

Amulek added to the point about the fruits of repentance the need to be charitable (34:28–29), and the urgent need to not delay repentance (34:30–36). Some people wonder about Amulek’s statement that there is no time for repentance “after this day of life” ends and the “night of darkness” comes (34:33). But that “awful crisis” would seem to refer to when the unrepentant resurrected being stands before God to be judged (33:22), and not to the time when the spirit moves into the spirit world (34:34). Thus, the “space between death and the resurrection of the body” (Alma 40:21) would seem to be included in the full time mercifully granted by God as the probationary time in which “to repent” and deny the devil the ultimate power to “seal you his” (42:4–5).

On humbling oneself, Amulek adds the need to “live in thanksgiving daily,” to be “watchful unto prayer continually,” and to “not revile against” those who treat you badly (34:37–41). Amulek knows personally what it means to be treated badly by people you know and thought were your friends and neighbors. The best antidotes for the poison of seeking revenge is feeling grateful, counting your blessings, and praying continually for your enemies and also for yourself.

John W. Welch Notes
