“Ye Begin to Call Upon His Holy Name”

Joseph F. McConkie, Robert L. Millet

Amulek may well be paraphrasing the message of the ancient prophet Zenos, quoted earlier by Alma (see Alma 33:3-11). Zenos taught that the disposition or attitude of the supplicant was far more important than the location of the prayer that the great God could hear and would certainly respond to sincere prayers offered in all phases and places of one’s existence.

We learn from this potent prophetic counsel that the people of God are perfectly justified in petitioning the Most High for divine assistance in regard to their flocks, herds, and fields, meaning (more generally) their temporal welfare. As long as the Saints follow the injunction to seek first the kingdom of God and seek prosperity in order to do good (see Jacob 2:17-19), they are within the bounds of propriety when they pray in faith for the necessities of life, to have sufficient for their needs and circumstances.

Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 3
