“May God Grant Unto You That Your Burdens May Be Light”

George Reynolds, Janne M. Sjodahl

Alma had provided the Zoramites who had gathered about him with the seed which he invited them to plant in their hearts. That seed was the Word of God! If, when you receive that seed and feel it swell within you, then "even so nourish it by your faith," he counseled them. That little seed once it becomes imbedded within a sincere heart, will sprout and send its tender shoots into every part of the body, and will grow and grow until at last it will become a tree whose fruit will be good, and will in turn nourish its keeper, or in other words, will feed the one who has watched over it, guarded it, and maintained a care of it. It will continue to grow and develop into a tree, "Springing up in you unto Everlasting Life."

In closing his words which he delivered to them, Alma, always cognizant of the burdens carried by any of his people, prayed to God that the load these Zoramites bore would be made light through a belief in the Son of God, and that although they had no synagogue in which to worship Him, they would be enabled to do as did the Prophet Zenos: Worship Him in the wilderness; in their own fields of grain, in their closets at home, among their flocks and herds, and when they, as was he, cast out and was despised by his enemies. In the joy they would receive through obedience to God's will, Alma promised that they could do all these things, and ended his exhortations by a benediction, Amen.

Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 4
