“O Then Is Not This Real?”

Bryan Richards

Neal A. Maxwell

"Alma describes the growth of faith and how faith can actually become knowledge with the accompanying intellectual and emotional experiences of the believer. After the understanding of the believer has been enlarged and his mind has been expanded, Alma asks, 'O then, is not this real?' It is real, he says, because it is 'discernible, therefore ye must know that it is good.' (Alma 32:35.)
"The truth of each divine doctrine is actually discernible by us in a system of certification and confirmation that justifies our saying, 'I know!'
"This precious perspective about reality that came from God through his prophets surely tells us about 'things as they really are and things as they really will be' (Jacob 4:13); it is the only kind of perspective that can rescue us from the myopic mortal view we have about the relative importance of things." (Things As They Really Are, p. 10)

