“Little Children Have Words Given Unto Them Which Confound the Wise”

Church Educational System

The faith of little children often leads to divine insights. Elder Neal A. Maxwell described how their example can serve to instruct those who are older:

“Children often have the ‘thoughts and [the] intents of [their] hearts’ focused on the Master. Though not full of years, such children are full of faith! Too young for formal Church callings, they have been ‘called to serve’ as exemplifiers, doing especially well when blessed with ‘goodly parents’ (1 Ne. 1:1).
“Just as the scriptures assure, ‘little children do have words given unto them many times’ (Alma 32:23). For example, the resurrected Jesus revealed things to the Nephite children, who then taught adults and their parents ‘even greater’ things than Jesus had taught (3 Ne. 26:14).
“It has been a privilege to seal several adopted children to Nan and Dan Barker, now of Arizona. Some time ago Nate, then just over three, said: ‘Mommy, there is another little girl who is supposed to come to our family. She has dark hair and dark eyes and lives a long way from here.’
“The wise mother asked, ‘How do you know this?’
“‘Jesus told me, upstairs.’
“The mother noted, ‘We don’t have an upstairs,’ but quickly sensed the significance of what had been communicated. After much travail and many prayers, the Barker family were in a sealing room in the Salt Lake Temple in the fall of 1995, where a little girl with dark hair and dark eyes, from Kazakhstan, was sealed to them for time and eternity. Inspired children still tell parents ‘great and marvelous things’ (3 Nephi 26:14)” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1996, 95–96; or Ensign, May 1996, 69–70).

Book of Mormon Student Manual (2009 Edition)
