Compelled to Be Humble, Compelled to Know

John W. Welch

Being compelled to humility is one of Alma’s opening themes. Can anyone be humble without having been compelled to be humble? Are we not all compelled in one way or another? Alma commented, “Do ye not suppose that they are more blessed who truly humble themselves because of the word?” (Alma 32:14). He may have been referring to when we humble ourselves from an internal, self-motivated reason rather than because of some external matter. True humility comes through a personal choice, a willingness to respond to lacks and afflictions in a spiritually positive way.

The next phrase, being “compelled to know” (Alma 32:16), is closely related. Can we be compelled to know something? Again, the idea is, we are blessed if we are willing to accept the truth without having it absolutely proved or socially imposed upon us by prevailing ideologies. Alma may have been telling these people that they would be better off if they could have faith in the first place, because Alma himself knew that it was not a good thing to be compelled to know by an angel and trials, troubles, and afflictions.

John W. Welch Notes
