Lowly in Heart

John W. Welch

What might it mean to be “lowly in heart” (32:8)? These poor Zoramite people were certainly economically disadvantaged, and were already in a humble condition as measured by wordly wealth. However, Alma seems to make a distinction between being humble and being “lowly in heart.” These people had been forced to be humble, and yet Alma assured them, “I behold that ye are lowly in heart; and if so, blessed are ye” (32:8). The poor Zoramites were bereft spiritually at first, but they were not hard-hearted; and hard-heartedness may be the opposite of being lowly in heart. Alma encouraged them by saying, “Blessed are the lowly in heart,” that is, “You will be blessed if you are humble enough to go through this process of spiritual refinement and growth.”

John W. Welch Notes
