“A Preparation to Hear the Word”

Joseph F. McConkie, Robert L. Millet
In order to receive or accept the word of truth, a person must be prepared to hear it. That preparation may, come through enforced humility, as is the case with the poor Zoramites, or it may come voluntarily as one’s heart yearns for the fulfillment or peace of mind that can follow an introduction to God-given truth.

“Their Afflictions Had Truly Humbled Them”

It has been wisely observed that a blessing is anything that brings us nearer to God. Thus out afflictions often become out greatest blessings. It is in out extremities that most often we meet God, not in out comfort. Thus any time conditions come to pass-even what at the time might be construed as tragic or unfortunate conditions-that lead us toward the truth or contribute to our eventual well-being, we have indeed been blessed.

Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 3
