Alma 31:9 Textual Variants

Royal Skousen
for they would not observe to keep the commandments [NULL >+ of God 0|of God 1ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST] and his statutes according to the law of Moses

Oliver Cowdery later inserted of God in 𝓞 (the level of ink flow for the supralinear correction is slightly heavier). It is possible that of God represents editing on Oliver’s part: the occurrence of his in the conjoined structure “the commandments and his statutes” is a difficult reading since there is no immediate antecedent for the his, although God does appear in the preceding verse:

Of course, Oliver’s addition of the phrase of God may have been virtually immediate; he could have simply redipped his pen before inserting the correct of God. It’s also possible that Oliver discovered that the phrase of God was missing after reading back the text to Joseph Smith.

Elsewhere, whenever his modifies conjuncts of commandments and statutes, there is a nearby preceding occurrence of Lord or God that the his refers to:

The last example (from Helaman 15:5) suggests another possible emendation for Alma 31:9: namely, “for they would not observe to keep his commandments and his statutes according to the law of Moses.” There is evidence elsewhere in the text for Oliver Cowdery accidentally replacing his with the:

Another possible emendation is that instead of the phrase of God the phrase of the Lord could have been inserted in Alma 31:9. Either “the commandments of the Lord” or “the commandments of God” is possible, as exemplified by an instance of each phrase in the previous chapter of Alma:

Note that in the first example, Oliver Cowdery initially wrote “the commandments of God” in 𝓟, which suggests that he could have, on his own, chosen “the commandments of God” in Alma 31:9 rather than the alternative “the commandments of the Lord”.

Given these various possibilities for Alma 31:9, it is probably safest to adopt the corrected reading in 𝓞, “the commandments of God”; this reading will work, and it is very possible that it is the result of Oliver Cowdery and Joseph Smith attempting to get the text copied down correctly.

Summary: Accept the corrected reading in 𝓞 for Alma 31:9: “they would not observe to keep the commandments of God and his statutes”.

Analysis of Textual Variants of the Book of Mormon, Part. 4
