Alma 31:5-7

Brant Gardner

Although Mormon suggests, in verse 5, that Alma preaches because it is the most effective way of changing hearts, it disguises the probability that Alma had no other option. Although the Zoramites were living according to a different religion, it was the voice of their people that supported that religion, and, therefore, was not contrary to Nephite law. There was no legal recourse that could compel the Zoramites to return to religious fealty. The only way to use force was to declare war, which would certainly force the Zoramites into Lamanite hands, which was something Alma hoped to avoid. Therefore, attempting to convert them was the best option.

Alma formed a missionary group that consisted of three of the sons of Mosiah and two of his sons. The three sons of Mosiah were Ammon, Aaron, and Omner. He took his sons Shiblon and Corianton. His oldest son, Helaman, remained in Zarahemla with Himni (one of the sons of Mosiah).

Alma and the three sons of Mosiah were seasoned missionaries. We do not learn much of Shiblon and Corianton at this point, but their experiences in Antionum will arise when Alma blesses his sons (Alma 38–42).

Book of Mormon Minute
