Korihor Confessed His Sins

John W. Welch

The Nephite court then handed Korihor a written question asking if he had received the divine message. It appears that he had been stunned so that he could not speak. But he wrote, “I know that I am dumb, for I cannot speak.” Could he also not hear? Perhaps, but perhaps he was not deaf, or perhaps his hearing recovered more quickly than his speech. We do not know. Whatever the case, the Nephite judges wanted Korihor’s confession in writing, and they wrote four questions for him. This all may involve less the matter of his ability to speak than the need for the court to have a legal record, so that anyone who wished to examine Korihor’s confession could do so. When Nehor was put to death, he would not voluntarily confess; it is unclear how much, if anything Nehor “was caused” to confess. So, the Nephites on this occasion were not going to let Korihor go in any way without getting his confession in writing.

John W. Welch Notes
