What would it take to prove there is no God?

Thomas R. Valletta

“Alma takes Korihor’s own philosophy and catches him in a trap of his own making. Korihor teaches that we can know only what we can see. (See Alma 30:15.) But when questioned, Korihor categorically denies that he believes there is a God. … Korihor is not consistent in his own thinking. If we truly can know only those things for which we have empirical evidence, then we cannot teach there is no God unless we have evidence for that belief. And Korihor has no evidence” (Lund, “Countering Korihor’s Philosophy,” 21).

The False Teachings of Korihor
1. No Christ (verse 12)
2. No man can know of anything which is to come (verse 13)
3. Prophecies are foolish tradition of your fathers (verse 14)
4. You cannot know of things which you do not see (verse 15)
5. Remission of sins is simply a product of a frenzied or deranged mind (verse 16)
6. There is no Atonement (verse 17)
7. Everyone fares in this life according to his management (verse 17)
8. Man prospers by his genius (verse 17)
9. Every man conquers according to his strength (verse 17)
10. Whatsoever a man does is no crime (verse 17)

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
