“In the Commencement of the Seventeenth Year of the Reign of the Judges”

Brant Gardner

Textual: We have noted previously in this commentary that one of the sources used by Mormon had to be organized by years, a scheme known from the textual Anales de Cuauhtitlan as well as clearly indicated by the structure of the various Mesoamerican codices. This idea is further reinforced when Mormon marks his years this closely together in his text. Mormon notes the beginning of the sixteenth year in verse two, and now the ending of the year, and the beginning of the next.

There is no significant event given for the sixteenth year, only that there was continual peace. It is possible that his text did have events listed for the year, but since Mormon appears to be interested only in those that are disturbing the peace, he does not note them. On the other hand, the Anales de Cuauhtitlan does give years during which nothing is recorded. Thus even in the absence of information, Mormon appears to be following a scheme that is known from at least one Mesoamerican historical document.

Chronology: The seventeenth year of the judges would correlate to approximately 77 BC in the correlation being used in this commentary.

Multidimensional Commentary on the Book of Mormon
