The Ammonites Are Granted Land and a Limited Military Exemption

John W. Welch

Apparently without much difficulty, these five returned to Alma’s house and obtained permission of the Chief Judge, who without further consultation, issued a proclamation admitting the people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi into the Nephite nation. The voice of the people then approved the transfer of the land of Jershon to these people as a land of inheritance (27:22). They agreed to protect these people because of their oath not to take up arms, provided they would agree to give “a portion of their substance to assist” in maintaining the Nephite armies (27:24), a kind of a tax.

The immigrants happily agreed, were numbered equally among the people, were zealous toward God, honest in all things, and firm in the faith of Christ (27:27). About fifteen years later, these men and women will become the fathers and mothers of the boys who will become the stripling warriors of Helaman (in Alma 55–57).

Further Reading

Book of Mormon Central, “Why Were the People of Ammon Exempted from Military Duty? (Alma 27:24),” KnoWhy 274 (February 13, 2017).

John W. Welch Notes
