“I and My Brethren Will Go Forth”

Alan C. Miner

According to Angela Crowell, in Biblical Hebrew, when the compound subject consists of different persons, the first person (the person speaking) precedes any others. In proper English usage, the order is reversed: the speaker always comes last. We say, "My father and I" instead of "I and my father," as in Hebrew. This phenomenon in Hebrew is a literal translation, i.e., "I" is written in Hebrew before "and my father." A good example of this is found in Alma 27:15, "And it came to pass that Ammon said unto them: Behold, I and my brethren will go forth into the land of Zarahemla . . ." [Angela M. Crowell, Hebraisms in the Book of Mormon," in Recent Book of Mormon Developments, Vol. 2, p. 6]

Step by Step Through the Book of Mormon: A Cultural Commentary
