“We Will Glory in the Lord, I Cannot Say the Smallest Part Which I Feel”

Bryan Richards

Neal A. Maxwell

“Even the gospel glimpses are difficult to convey. Brigham Young said, ’I cannot talk all my feelings, I cannot tell you what I feel and what I see in the Spirit.’ This inability to articulate concerns not only the grand and sacred things but also the simple joys of faith: ‘I cannot say the smallest part which I feel’ (Alma 26:16). Thus it is not only that our eyes and ears have not yet experienced what lies ahead; even if they had, the tongue could not fully express our feelings in the face of such sublime and reassuring things! President Brigham Young‘s words remind us of Jacob’s: ’If I could take away the vail, and let you see how things really are, you would then know just as well as I know, and I know them just as well as any man on the face of the earth need to.’” (That Ye May Believe, p. 200)

Neal A. Maxwell

"’We know more than we can tell … we know a person’s face, and can recognize it among a thousand, indeed among a million. Yet we usually cannot tell how we recognize a face we know… . this knowledge cannot be put into words.’ (Michael Polyani, The Tacit Dimension, Doubleday Anchor, 1967, pp. 4, 6.)

“We do ’know more than we can tell,’ but a disciple has an obligation to increase his communication skills in a way that is consistent with the majesty of the message. Since so much of our time is spent communicating—writing, speaking, listening—we naturally assume it is done well. But our performance level is usually poor, and this can reflect a lack of caring about the quality of our communication skills. Paul urges disciples to be ‘willing to communicate’ as an extra responsibility clearly incumbent on those who are committed.”(A Time To Choose, pp. 73-74)

