“How Many of Them Are Brought to Behold the Marvelous Light of God”

Brant Gardner

Social: Ammon gives us an indication of the size of the Anti-Nephi-Lehi population, and that indication is “thousands.” Of course that indication is so vague as to be nearly useless. We may understand that the population was significant, and larger than “hundreds.” We may also understand that the population was sufficiently large that it will be considered wise to give them a land of their own in Zarahemla (Alma 27:21-22). Nevertheless, it is more reasonable to see this number in the lower thousands than the higher. They will comprise a single city in Zarahemla, and there were multiple cities among the Lamanites. While this was a successful mission, and many were converted, it appears rather clear that the converts will still in the minority of the peoples of the land of the Lamanites.

Multidimensional Commentary on the Book of Mormon
