“They Would Labor Abundantly with Their Hands”

Bryan Richards

Spencer W. Kimball

"If you would look for valor, stamina, and steadfastness, recall the experiences of the converts of Ammon and his brethren. Here were red men degenerated, untrained, and primitive who accepted the gospel and quickly changed to sober, industrious, God-fearing people. The transition was soon made from skins and loin cloths to clothes of linen; from hunting and fishing, to agricultural work; from war and bloodshed, to peaceful pursuits; from paganism and idolatry to the worship of the Living God. They were called the Anti-Nephi-Lehies, and were so devout and sincere in their professions that they buried their weapons and declared unalterably against war." (Conference Reports, Apr. 1949, p. 109)

