Ammon’s Selfless Requests

John W. Welch

Once again, Ammon showed his skill with his very sharp sword as he defended Lamoni from the sword of his father. Of greater significance, Ammon’s generous and subservient character was revealed to Lamoni’s father. To save his own life, Lamoni’s father offered Ammon anything he desired—even half of his kingdom. Ammon wasn’t interested in riches. The father was astonished when all that Ammon requested was the release of his brethren from the prison in Middoni and assurance that Lamoni would retain his kingdom with free reign over his kingdom. Neither of Ammon’s terms benefited himself personally. Ammon acted out of love and concern for his new convert, Lamoni. He acted unselfishly, once again. His great desire was to bring others to God through missionary work.

John W. Welch Notes
