Alma 19:12-15

Brant Gardner

As Ammon had promised, Lamoni arose. Poignantly, he immediately took his wife’s hand and declared that the name of God was blessed, and that she too was blessed. Although Lamoni was overpowered by the Spirit, that Spirit clearly communicated to him his wife’s faith, based on Ammon’s words, but perhaps with little actual instruction in the gospel.

When Lamoni awakens, he praises God, but specifically speaks of the Redeemer. It was the power of the redemption that allowed his great change of heart. He had understood the Nephite message, and had experienced it directly. He was again overcome.

The picture in the room must have been both joyous and confusing. The King had awakened, praised God, and then had fallen again. Ammon and the queen are also overcome by the Spirit, and they too fall to the earth. The joy of seeing the king rise from a presumed death was quickly followed by confusion when the king, queen, and the mysterious Ammon, all fell to the earth.

Those in the room knew something important was happening, but probably didn’t understand it, and we can understand if they were confused by the range of emotions they would have had during this event.

Book of Mormon Minute
